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Newsletter 08/003 -- 3 Insights into Heart Health; Blessed Christmas!
December 26, 2008

ALL 4 NATURAL HEALTH – Attaining Good Health Naturally


Here's wishing you a blessed Christmas season, filled with the warmth and kinship of loved ones.


This is a relatively new section whereby I will report on some of the latest interesting news and findings on health from around the world. This section will be regularly updated, and it can be accessed here:

Here are the latest:

Three recent studies have given us some insights into heart health, specifically how air pollution damages blood vessels, how stress negatively affects heart health in an indirect way, and how eating nuts reduces one's risk of death from heart disease.

Two other studies have given us some insights into good health in general:

If your parents lived longer, your odds of doing so may be better.

Lower income groups have poorer health in general, and probably need our help.

Two pieces of news on cancer:

Overweight women have higher risk of advanced breast cancer - another reason to maintain healthy weight.

The cancer drug Avastin increases the risk of blood clots when it is used together with chemotherapy.


You can follow the updates on the main site on this page.

Any feedback, suggestions or even complaints? Feel free to let me know.

Besides doing my own writing, I have also engaged a couple of writers to do content development for me. Do give me your feedback, if any, on which pages and articles you like, which ones you don't, how they can be improved, etc.

Okay folks, that’s it for today. Once again, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season, as well as a happy and healthy life ahead!

Yours in Good Health,

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