Goji Berry Benefits on Health

Goji berry benefits have been in the news so often lately that you'd almost think that this was some new discovery, but the truth is that the goji berry has been proving beneficial to health for centuries and have long since been a big part of Chinese medicine.

Just as impressive is the role it has played in the health and longevity of the people living in the Himalayas, where the goji berry is grown. That same region is known to have one of the longest living populations, with many inhabitants who have seen their hundredth birthday and are still thriving.

Goji berry benefits on health are vast thanks to their high nutritional value. It has been said that the goji berry is the most nutritionally rich food known to man, and it's easy to see why when you consider that it has over nineteen amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E, along with being a high source of antioxidants, protein, fiber, beta-carotene, and much more.

As a matter of fact, one of the biggest goji berry benefits is that it contains more antioxidants than any other food, and we all know that antioxidants have been proven to reduce risk of various cancers and even heart disease.

By adding goji berries to your diet, whether as a dried fruit or a juice, you are not only adding some much needed nutritional value and getting a good amount of essential vitamins and minerals, but you are also helping your body to better fight off other illnesses and diseases. This is because all of these vitamins, minerals and antioxidants help to build and strengthen the immune system, which really cuts back your risk of everything from colds and influenza to much more serious conditions.

Here are just a few of the known goji berry benefits on health:

  • Improves prostate health and is used to treat an enlarged prostate; also used to cut back on the risk of prostate cancer and testicular cancer in men.

  • Helps with menstrual discomfort and is being used to treat cervical cancers in those looking for a natural approach. It has also been shown to reduce the symptoms brought on by menopause.

  • It was proven in studies to cut the risk of cancer and recurrent cancers by up to 40% in those studied.

  • It has been used for centuries to treat skin irritation and inflammation.

  • Goji berries contain a natural antifungal agent as well as antibacterial properties.

  • It has been shown to reduce high blood pressure and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • It's a good source of minerals like calcium, potassium, zinc and iron.

  • Goji berries are known to increase energy levels.

  • It has been proven as an effective weight loss tool.

  • It has been used for years to treat vision-related problems.

As you can see, the goji berry benefits on health are many. The use of goji berries for good health is something that the Chinese have relied on effectively for centuries, so even though it was a long time coming, these benefits are finally getting the attention of the scientific community that they deserve. This in turn means healthier options for those looking to improve their health and wellbeing as naturally as possible.

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