How to be Healthy - Quotes and Inspiration

by Webmaster,

If you would like some tips and ideas on how to be healthy, I have collated on this page a series of interesting and even powerful quotes from various people.

I hope they can not only be a source of education, but also inspiration and motivation for you as well. Do note that some of them are repeated two or even more times.

General Quotes on Health

"In minds crammed with thoughts, organs clogged with toxins, and bodies stiffened with neglect, there is just no space for anything else." - Alison Rose Levy, in "An Ancient Cure for Modern Life"

"Nature, time and patience are three great physicians." - H.G. Bohn

"The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body." - Harry J. Johnson

"First do no harm." - Hippocrates

"My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass" - Leslie Grimutter

"Joy, temperance and repose slam the door on the doctor's nose." - Longfellow

"The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything." - Louis Pasteur

"Common sense is in medicine the master workman." - Peter Latham

"Remember, tomorrow is what you believe and do today." - Richard Schulze

"Stop judging. Celebrate everything. Yes, even your disease. It is your blessing." - Richard Schulze

"If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease." - Robert Ingersoll

"Make your own recovery the first priority in your life." - Robin Norwood

"A healthy body and soul come from an unencumbered mind and body." - Ymber Delecto

The above quotes give us some broad ideas and inspiration on how to be healthy. The following sections zoom into more specific areas.

Personal Responsibility
A key, key feature in how to be healthy is taking personal responsibility; it is the foundation of good health!

"We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning, justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific, concrete, individualized, unique." - Benjamin Jowett

"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease." - Buddha

"Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus Pauling, in "How to Live Longer and Feel Better"

"The... patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his own life. Don't take your body to the doctor as if he were a repair shop." - Quentin Regestein

"Trust yourself and stop asking so many questions. You will find your own answers as you go through the process." - Richard Schulze

"The first step in natural healing is responsibility. Natural healing is about taking control of your life and being responsible for everything that goes in and out of your body, mind and spirit." - Richard Schulze

"There are no incurable diseases. If you are willing to take responsibility for yourself and your life, you can heal yourself of anything." - Richard Schulze

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison

Your Body Knows How to Heal Itself! - Harness The Power of Nature
Thinking you don't know how to be healthy? Well, significantly, your body itself knows how to be healthy, and you just need to give it what it needs.

"Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside." - Albert Schweitzer

"My inner advisor is dying to heal me." - Astrid Alauda

"The physician is nature's assistant." - Claudius Galen

"For all healing, mental or material, is attuning each atom of the body, each reflex of the brain forces, to the awareness of the Divine that lies within each atom, each cell of the body." - Edgar Cayce

"The deviation of man from the state in which he was originally placed by nature seems to have proved to him a prolific source of disease." - Edward Jenner

"Nature, time and patience are three great physicians." - H.G. Bohn

"The main function of the body is to repair and heal itself." - Richard Schulze

"Your body has a blueprint, a schematic of what perfect health is and is constantly trying to achieve this perfect health for you." - Richard Schulze

(On the journey of how to be healthy, this is a worthwhile quote and point to remember.)

"Your body has the ability to completely heal itself. It just needs your assistance." - Richard Schulze

"If you can hold the progress of disease in check and, if you can stimulate and enhance ones own defense mechanisms (which is your immune system), there are no diseases which your body is not capable of conquering." - Terry Pulse, M.D.

(If you are feeling discouraged or despondent, desperate to know how to be healthy, and perhaps thinking of giving up, remember these two important quotes! There is still hope!)

"Life in all its fullness is Mother Nature obeyed." - Weston A. Price, D.D.S.

Body's Own Healing Mechanisms
Indeed, your body has its own healing mechanisms. Symptoms such as fever, for example, are actually important recovery processes in the "how to be healthy" roadmap.

"Give me a chance to create a fever and I will cure any disease." - Parmenides

Change of Lifestyle and Habits
For most of us, learning how to be healthy, as well as walking down the "how to be healthy" road, entails making many lifestyle and dietary changes.

"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live." - Brian Carter

"Joy, temperance and repose slam the door on the doctor's nose." - Longfellow

"The only way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he were poor." - Paul Dudley White

"Pain (any pain - emotional, physical, mental) has a message. The information it has about our life can be remarkably specific, but it usually falls into one of two categories: 'We would be more alive if we did more of this,' and, 'Life would be more lovely if we did less of that' Once we get the pain's message, and follow its advice, the pain goes away." - Peter McWilliams

"The more severe the pain or illness, the more severe will be the necessary changes. These may involve breaking bad habits, or acquiring some new and better ones." - Peter McWilliams

"Remember, getting well is easy. All you have to do is stop doing what is making you sick, and start living new and healthy ways that will heal you." - Richard Schulze

"Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning." - Thomas Jefferson

If you are wondering how to be healthy while continuing bad lifestyle and dietary habits, well, it's hard to do that; changes are needed!

Holistic and Comprehensive Approach
The overall big picture behind how to be healthy is the undertaking of a holistic and comprehensive approach.

"To heal even an eye, one must heal the head and indeed the whole body" - Hippocrates

"The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything." - Louis Pasteur

Food, Diet and Nutrition
A huge and core part of how to be healthy is a good diet. How to be healthy without optimal nutrition? After all, your body is built using what you eat.

"Live in rooms full of light. Avoid heavy food. Be moderate in the drinking of wine. Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics. Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water. Change surroundings and take long journeys. Strictly avoid frightening ideas. Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements. Listen to music." - A. Cornelius Celsus

"In minds crammed with thoughts, organs clogged with toxins, and bodies stiffened with neglect, there is just no space for anything else." - Alison Rose Levy, in "An Ancient Cure for Modern Life"

"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live." - Brian Carter

"He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors." - Chinese Proverb

"To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life worry less." - Chu Hui Weng

"Vitamin C can truthfully be designated as the antitoxic and antiviral vitamin." - Claus W. Jungeblut, M.D.

"He who lives by rule and wholesome diet is a physician to himself." - Concise Directions on the Nature of our Common Food so far as it tends to Promote or Injure Health

"Eat the foods that carry these vitamins, rather than adding the vitamins." - Edgar Cayce

"Man is a food-dependent creature. If you don't feed him, he will die. If you feed him improperly, part of him will die." - Emanurel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.

"Some physicians would stand by and see their patients die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin. Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis." - Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates

(This is a key and very important quote and statement in how to be healthy!)

"After these two, Dr. Diet and Dr. Quiet, Dr. Merriman is requisite to preserve health." - James Howell

"The longer I live the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen." - John Redman Coxe

"One must eat to live and not live to eat." - Moliere

"The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, and air, exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend, if only you are willing. Your mind they'll ease. Your will they'll mend. And charge you not a shilling." - Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows

"All disease is caused by some type of blockage, whether it's lymphatic, digestive, nutritional, elimination, emotional, whatever. Free the blockage, let the energy flow and healing begins immediately." - Richard Schulze

"When in doubt, try nutrition first." - Roger Williams, PhD, in "Nutrition Against Disease"

"Beauty isn't something on the outside. It's your insides that count! You gotta eat green stuff to make sure you're pretty on the inside." - Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata, in "Animal Crossing: Wild World"

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison

"When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no 'I'll start tomorrow.' Tomorrow is disease." - V.L. Allineare

Pure, clean water is critical toward how to be healthy. Water is important for a number of crucial functions in the body, such as cleansing, lubricating, cooling, etc - how to be healthy without sufficient amounts of it?

"Water, air, and cleanliness are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia." - Napoleon I

"The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, and air, exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend, if only you are willing. Your mind they'll ease. Your will they'll mend. And charge you not a shilling." - Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows

Oxygen and Fresh Air
Fresh air is another key component for how to be healthy. Without oxygen, we die within minutes, if not seconds - how to be healthy without it?

"Fresh air impoverishes the doctor." - Danish Proverb

"Water, air, and cleanliness are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia." - Napoleon I

"The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, and air, exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend, if only you are willing. Your mind they'll ease. Your will they'll mend. And charge you not a shilling." - Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows

"My research has convinced me that lack of oxygen is the root of most or perhaps even all disease." - Shizuo Inoue

Sunshine and Light
In learning how to be healthy, we must not forget the Sun - it is the source of all life and energy on Earth. Sunshine on our skin means vitamin D; light in our eyes means hope and vitality, whereas darkness becomes depression. Again, how to be healthy without sunshine and light?

"Live in rooms full of light. Avoid heavy food. Be moderate in the drinking of wine. Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics. Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water. Change surroundings and take long journeys. Strictly avoid frightening ideas. Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements. Listen to music." - A. Cornelius Celsus

"I think you might dispense with half your doctors if you would only consult Dr. Sun more." - Henry Ward Beecher

"Misdirected life force is the activity in disease process. Disease has no energy save what it borrows from the life of the organism. It is by adjusting the life force that healing must be brought about, and it is the sun as transformer and distributor of primal spiritual energy that must be utilized in this process, for life and the sun are so intimately connected." - Kabbalah

"The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, and air, exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend, if only you are willing. Your mind they'll ease. Your will they'll mend. And charge you not a shilling." - Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows

Exercise complements what we eat and take in. Our bodies need to move for better circulation, elimination, heart health, etc - how to be healthy with our over-sedentary lifestyles today?

"Live in rooms full of light. Avoid heavy food. Be moderate in the drinking of wine. Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics. Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water. Change surroundings and take long journeys. Strictly avoid frightening ideas. Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements. Listen to music." - A. Cornelius Celsus

"A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs." - Joan Welsh

"The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, and air, exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend, if only you are willing. Your mind they'll ease. Your will they'll mend. And charge you not a shilling." - Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows

"The only way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he were poor." - Paul Dudley White

"Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning." - Thomas Jefferson

"The sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise, and of all the exercises walking is the best." - Thomas Jefferson

"When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no 'I'll start tomorrow.' Tomorrow is disease." - V.L. Allineare

Sleep and Rest
The body repairs and rejuvenates itself the most when it is resting. That's why proper rest and sleep are so important toward how to be healthy.

"Live in rooms full of light. Avoid heavy food. Be moderate in the drinking of wine. Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics. Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water. Change surroundings and take long journeys. Strictly avoid frightening ideas. Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements. Listen to music." - A. Cornelius Celsus

"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book." - Irish Proverb

"The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, and air, exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend, if only you are willing. Your mind they'll ease. Your will they'll mend. And charge you not a shilling." - Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows

How to be healthy if your blood is not flowing properly, your lymph is clogged, or your body is stewing in its own filth? That is why good circulation is so important for how to be healthy.

"All disease is caused by some type of blockage, whether it's lymphatic, digestive, nutritional, elimination, emotional, whatever. Free the blockage, let the energy flow and healing begins immediately." - Richard Schulze

Emotional and Mental
In healing diseases and attaining good health, the emotional and mental aspects of a person are often neglected; they are in fact critical for how to be healthy. How to be healthy if one is constantly worried, anxious, or unhappy? These thoughts and emotions actually create a lot of toxins, as well as suppress the immune system. On the flip side, happiness and positive thoughts are excellent for good health.

"Words are the physicians of the mind diseased." - Aeschylus

"In minds crammed with thoughts, organs clogged with toxins, and bodies stiffened with neglect, there is just no space for anything else." - Alison Rose Levy, in "An Ancient Cure for Modern Life"

"I see rejection in my skin, worry in my cancers, bitterness and hate in my aching joints. I failed to take care of my mind, and so my body now goes to hospital." - Astrid Alauda

"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live." - Brian Carter

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Buddha

"To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life worry less." - Chu Hui Weng

"Our mental and emotional diets determine our overall energy levels, health and well-being more than we realize. Every thought and feeling, no matter how big or small, impacts our inner energy reserves." - Doc Childre

"Heartfelt positive feelings create far more than a healthy psychological effect. They fortify our internal energy systems and nourish the body right down to the cellular level. For that reason, we like to think of these emotions as 'quantum nutrients'." - Doc Childre and Howard Martin, in "The HeartMath Solution"

"If your thoughts are thoughts that draw low-frequency energy current to you, your physical and emotional attitudes will deteriorate, and emotional or physical disease will follow, whereas thoughts that draw high-frequency energy current to you create physical and emotional health." - Gary Zukav

"Health is a large word. It embraces not the body only, but the mind and spirit as well;... and not today's pain or pleasure alone, but the whole being and outlook of a man." - James H. West

"After these two, Dr. Diet and Dr. Quiet, Dr. Merriman is requisite to preserve health." - James Howell

"Know, then, whatever cheerful and serene supports the mind, supports the body too." - John Armstrong

"Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other." - Joseph Addison

"Joy, temperance and repose slam the door on the doctor's nose." - Longfellow

"Stop judging. Celebrate everything. Yes, even your disease. It is your blessing." - Richard Schulze

"All disease is caused by some type of blockage, whether it's lymphatic, digestive, nutritional, elimination, emotional, whatever. Free the blockage, let the energy flow and healing begins immediately." - Richard Schulze

"To wish to be well is a part of becoming well." - Seneca

Laughter and Humor
Want to know how to be healthy? Laugh! As they say, laughter is the best medicine, and is excellent toward how to be healthy. Have a sense of humor!

"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book." - Irish Proverb

"If taking vitamins doesn't keep you healthy enough, try more laughter:" - Nicolas-Sebastien Chamfort

"People who laugh actually live longer than those who don't laugh. Few persons realize that health actually varies according to the amount of laughter." - Unknown

Relationships and Friendships
Learning how to be healthy is not just about what is within you; friendships and relationships with others are important, too.

"A harmonious relationship with one you love can enhance your work, health and entire well-being." - Doc Childre, in "Freeze-Frame"

"Good friends are good for your health." - Irwin Sarason

"The I in illness is isolation, and the crucial letters in wellness are we." - Unknown

Role of Doctors and Physicians
Many people struggle and wonder how to be healthy. And they often turn to the medical system, medical doctors and pharmaceutical drugs. Learning how to be healthy would be so much simpler if these things worked FOR the body's self-healing mechanisms, instead of AGAINST them.

"The best doctor gives the least medicines." - Benjamin Franklin

"Of several remedies, the physician should choose the least sensational." - Hippocrates

"The work of the doctor will, in the future, be ever more that of an educator, and ever less that of a man who treats ailments." - Lord Horder

"The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it." - Maimonides

"One grandmother is worth two M.D.s." - Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison

The collation of quotes on this page provides a good introductory education on how to be healthy. May they also inspire and motivate you.

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