Health Benefits of Seaweed

Have you heard that seaweed is very healthy? So, what are the health benefits of seaweed?

Japanese cuisine has been using seaweed for years, and recent studies show that many Japanese people who regularly consume this nutrient-rich plant may be healthier than their western counterparts.

Seaweed is versatile and easy to come by. And it's often found in foods you eat everyday, and it could soon be found in more of our favorite foods. Seaweed is even used in certain skin care products because it not only contains a ton of minerals, but it can also destroy bacteria.

Since you are reading this, you are presumably a health-conscious person. And as you better understand the health benefits of seaweed, you would probably be considering adding this food to your diet.

Seaweed comes with a strong and distinct flavor. If you wish to harness the health benefits of seaweed, but do not like the taste of it, you can get seaweed supplements in flavorless forms. These are still beneficial to your health, without the seaweed flavor.

Here are some of the amazing health benefits of seaweed:

  • Seaweed, or sea vegetables, as some like to call them, contains high amounts of calcium and phosphorus that are easy for people's bodies to absorb and use.

  • Seaweed also has one of the highest soluble fiber contents of any food available.

  • Studies show that the nutrition found in seaweed is one of the easiest for the human body to absorb because it is most like that naturally found in our bodies to begin with.

  • Think you've heard enough? Consider this: seaweed also contains very high amounts of vitamin A, C, E and B1, which could mean that if you incorporate this food into your diet, you might be able to do away with your vitamin supplements.

  • Add high amounts of magnesium, iodine, iron and sodium to the mix and you are looking at one little power packed food.

  • In addition to all these health benefits of seaweed, this vegetable also contains a high amount of protein and complex carbohydrates, which makes it an ideal source of energy, since it burns so slowly.

Studies show that seaweed may very possibly be one of the most beneficial foods available. For many, the problem isn't the health benefits, it's the flavor, but the good news is that there are more and more recipes available to people who want to incorporate seaweed in their diets and aren't so fond of the taste.

Seaweed, most commonly Nori, is often used in whole food diets, but if you would rather experiment with different types of seaweed in your meals, consider trying a couple of these recipes.

  • Mochiko Chicken with seaweed is a Hawaiian dish that mixes the sweet flavor of rice flower with the spicy taste of ginger for a flavorful and nutritious meal.

  • If you like sushi, you could give another Hawaiian meal called Ahi Poke a try. It combines the nutrition of tuna and seaweed with the flavor of sesame sauce for a great healthy dish.

If Hawaiian or Japanese food isn't to your liking, there are several other recipes that you can try for your family to obtain the health benefits of seaweed. In many cases, you can't even taste the seaweed, so that means great nutrition that the whole family loves.

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