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Natural Remedies for Asthma - Simple Home RemediesAre you seeking some useful natural remedies for asthma? Asthma can be a debilitating condition for those who suffer from it. With this condition, there is an inflammation of the airways and the bronchi, which affects either the way in which air enters or goes out. This causes shortness of breath, panting, and often results in asthma attacks, where the individual cannot catch his or her breath at all. Many who suffer from asthma become rather dependent on inhalers that they must carry with them at all times, in case an asthma attack should arise. Asthma can affect people of all ages, but it often arises in children, and it can be rather troublesome to them in their daily activities. In the younger set, asthma is often said to be caused by an allergy of some sort, or have some direct link to one.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Asthma. A note about Natural Remedies for Asthma - Simple Home RemediesIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Using Natural Remedies for Asthma If you have been provided with an inhaler to guard against the possibility of an asthma attack, it may not be wise to throw it out, just in case you need it one day. However, through time and with the help of some very natural remedies for asthma, this condition and its associated symptoms can become a thing of the past for you. There are some medications that one could get on to help control asthma, but if you could find natural remedies for asthma which could act as a cure of sorts, wouldnt you want to try that out first? There are some very common household items that can be used to help treat asthma, and they are worth a try as they are known to be quite effective as natural remedies for asthma. Honey is an excellent natural aid in combating asthma. Many people turn to honey as it can be used either in an asthma attack or as a preventative measure. If an individual is suffering from an asthma attack, a container of honey should be placed under his or her nose to help open the air passages and allow him or her to breathe easier, offering almost instant relief after a few minutes. Honey can also be used in conjunction with a glass of water to be taken daily as a natural remedy, or it can be mixed with other household items such as radishes, lemon juice, or even garlic for some amazing results in warding off the symptoms of asthma.
Household Cures for the Asthma Sufferer When it comes to asthma, there are foods that can be quite helpful, as well as foods which should be avoided. Some common trigger foods can spark off the symptoms of asthma, and these include milk, eggs, nuts, and seafood. Food additives, particularly sulfites, can be a rather dangerous trigger for asthma sufferers. This additive is used in salad bars to help keep the produce looking fresh, so just be aware of a possible negative connection. On the other hand, there are some excellent foods that can be of great help to those who suffer from asthma and the breathing problems that it creates. For example, garlic cloves can be of great help to asthma sufferers. They can be mixed with ginger tea for a very effective and very simple home remedy for asthma. With many health conditions, you hear that you should stay away from caffeine. However, it is said that the opposite applies in the case of asthma; some say that a couple of cups of coffee or some natural chocolate bars can do wonders in a pinch if you feel an asthma attack coming on. Preventing asthma attacks and the symptoms associated with this health condition doesnt have to be hard, and eventually you may not even need your inhaler. By being sensible and staying out of extreme cold, staying away from trigger foods, and knowing what to do for asthma attacks in a pinch, you can likely use these natural remedies for asthma and find them to be very effective.
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