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Parkinson's Disease Symptoms, Signs, DiagnosisWhat are some typical Parkinson's disease symptoms and signs? Before you assume that you or someone you love has Parkinsons disease, it is important for you to know that not everyone reacts the same way to this disorder. There are many different symptoms that may affect different individuals, so you should make sure to be properly diagnosed.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Parkinson's Disease. A note about Parkinson's Disease Symptoms, Signs, DiagnosisIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Some Warning Signs and Symptoms One of the most obvious set of symptoms affects one's motor skills. These are the outward symptoms and they include tremors even when a person appears to be resting, as well as problems with balance and rigidity. Often, there will seem to be a slowness of movements and it will appear that a person has gait problems (they seem to walk funny). Other noticeable Parkinson's disease symptoms might include a lack of facial expressions. As the disease worsens, a person might have trouble speaking and swallowing, which can cause drooling. Visual symptoms, such as the tremors, seem to affect one side of the body at first and may often start in the hand. Other Parkinsons disease symptoms and signs include constipation, trouble sleeping, depression and anxiety, mild confusion to severe dementia, unexplained pains and low blood pressure when standing. With time, a person may have a non responsive facial expression and lose their sense of smell. Parkinsons can also cause sexual difficulties in some people.
Progression and Diagnosis Many times, the severity and speed of progression of this disease varies, so while one person may seem to suffer with only a slight tremor for a very long time, another person may be struggling with tremors, having trouble walking and suffering with mood disorders all at the same time. The fact that it does vary so widely in so many people and progresses differently in different people can often make this disease hard to diagnose. Many people who have the early stages of Parkinsons disease do not choose to seek medical attention and do not need any kind of treatment for many years. Since the average age of presence of Parkinson's disease symptoms is around 60, many people mistake the disease as a sign of aging. Only when their symptoms worsen do they think it might be something else. Often, when a person is diagnosed, it is only because they have shown improvement with the use of medications that are typically used to treat the disease. There is no definitive blood test that will identify the disease. Parkinsons disease appears in men more often than women, but the reason for that is unknown. Before you assume that you have Parkinsons, you should also look at other conditions that might mimic some of the Parkinson's disease symptoms and signs.
They include medication induced Parkinsonism, which is a condition that can be caused by certain anti-psychotic, anti-depressant and some anti-nausea medication. These will often produce tremors, but the tremors will be on both sides of the body. Essential tremor is frustrating, but not harmful and is very common. It is when certain body parts move rhythmically. Usually, the hands and arms are affected, and its when a person is eating or writing. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) occurs around the same age and displays much in the same ways as Parkinsons disease, but it worsens much more quickly. It can be helpful to rule these out before seeking an official Parkinsons disease diagnosis.
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