Symptoms and Signs of HPV - Learn to Spot Them

What are some typical symptoms and signs of HPV?

The human papilloma virus (commonly referred to as HPV) is an infection that is transmitted through sexual contact. There are over a hundred known viruses in the group HPV, with forms that can cause genital warts and certain cancers.

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A note about Symptoms and Signs of HPV - Learn to Spot Them

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

It is a common STD (sexually transmitted disease) affecting about 75% of all sexually active persons aged 15 to 50. It is found in about 75% of all women who have been diagnosed with HIV.

Signs of the HPV infection need to be treated as soon as they are noticed to prevent spreading. Some types of the virus cause common warts forming on the hands or feet, and are not to be confused with genital warts. Common warts of the hands and feet, though infection is indicated, are not transmitted through having sex; nor are they caused by the same HPV that causes cancer.

So, what are some symptoms and signs of HPV?

Genital warts can appear anywhere from a few weeks to a few months after you are exposed to HPV (even when there may be no signs of infection). The warts might look like small bumps or groupings of bumps in the genital area - vulva, vagina, on the penis, or in the area of the anus. They are generally fleshy - small, large, flat or cauliflower shaped. Though, if left untreated, genital warts can go away on their own, they will generally remain unchanged or increase in number as well as size.

Those who suffer HIV usually develop worse sores in the rectum and cervical areas. Other signs of HPV infection are problems within the mouth, on the tongue, or on the lips.

Still other signs of HPV virus are the abnormal growth of cells known as dysplasia. This condition can develop into cancer of the anus, in both men and women, particularly those who engage in homosexual practices; cervical cancer in women, which kills about 5,000 per year; or cancer of the penis in men.

Dysplasia around the anus and in the cervical region is the development of new abnormal cells in the lining / tissue of the two areas and appears to be more prevalent among those who are HIV negative. It can be detected by a pap smear or test. They are usually used to check a woman's cervix, but can also be used to check the anal activity in both men and women.

Cervical cancer, one of the signs of HPV infection, often does not have symptoms until it is in its advanced stages.

Typically for men, the disease carries no symptoms. If there are, look for outwardly visible signs such as growths on the penis or testicles, or around the anus or groin. As with women, genital warts can take many shapes. Anal complications (cancer) can present as itching, pain, bleeding or discharge. Also, the sign might point to the swelling of lymph nodes around the anus or in the groin area in general.

HPV infection can also result in penile cancer as well. Signs of this could include the changing of skin color around the penis as well as the development of a tissue buildup on or around the penis. Once these symptoms present, the infection is more than likely already pretty far advanced.

Having read about the potential symptoms and signs of HPV infection, you can learn more about this condition by also reading the other related HPV articles and pages on this website.

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Some Related Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Pages

What Causes HPV - Discussion, Herbs and Herbal Remedies

Symptoms and Signs of HPV - Learn to Spot Them

HPV Virus in Men - Information, Health Effects, Symptoms, Prevention, Remedies, Treatment

Natural Cures for HPV - Useful Tips and Remedies

HPV Natural Treatment - Useful Tips and Home Remedies

Anti HPV Cream - Discussion on this Treatment

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