Water Filter Guide - Basic Tips and Suggestions

Finding a good water filter guide to follow as you make the decision which one to buy is important because there are a variety of different options available to you that will range in terms of their overall effectiveness.

It's important that you put some time and energy into choosing which water filter you will purchase, because often, individuals will spend more money than they have to and don't even purchase one that gives them optimal results.

If you don't have good drinking water in your home, it is important that you purchase one of these so that you can feel good about the water that you're putting into your body.

Here is a basic water filter guide to follow.

Test Your Own Water

The first step in this water filter guide to choosing the one that's right for you is to perform some tests on your own water. You need to find out what primary chemicals are contained in your own water so you know what the system has to purify out.

Determine Your System Type

Second, you also should spend some time deciding what type of system you want. Do you prefer a system that is mounted right on top of your faucet, or do you want one that goes on your plumbing system?

This will significantly impact the overall costs that are involved to you, but each person will have their own preference in this matter.

There are also some filters that have come out now that add extra flavour to your water, so if you're someone who struggles to get in the recommend eight glasses a day, this might just be a really smart move. Typically, you'll find flavour options such as raspberry, peach, strawberry, lemon, and grape.

Match Your Test Results With The Water Filter System

Third step in this water filter guide, assess the test results you got back and then find an appropriate water filter system that will help with your specific water. If the test comes back and shows that your water contains higher amounts of chlorine, chloroform, pesticides, or other organic chemicals, then you're going to have to look into a NSF-certified carbon filter system.

On the other hand, if the test comes back with hard metals or lead present, a carbon filter will not be effective, so you're going to have to look into an alternative approach. A reverse osmosis filter, for example, would do a good job, though it's somewhat expensive.

Consider A Water Filter With A Cutoff Meter

Last, consider using a water filter that has a cutoff meter. This is important for those who don't want to keep track of when it's time to change the filter and want to be notified. Most people do prefer this option because it makes your life a lot easier and will also help safeguard against you drinking and using water that has not been purified.


So keep these tips in mind. Having a useful water filter guide to instruct you on the process of adding one to your home will make things simpler and more straightforward, and before you know it, you'll be drinking much healthier water.

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Make Your Own Water Filter - Steps and Tips

Water Filter Reviews - Points for Comparison

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