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Children Allergies - Discussion, Causes, TipsChildren allergies are affecting an increasing number of our kids today. As a parent, you want to do the very best for your children. You take care of them day after day, catering to their every need. However, what you may suspect for a recurring cold could be something far deeper. Childrens allergies are on the rise, and many parents may not even realize that this is right under their nose. There is a dramatic increase in the number of children suffering from allergic reactions, and this is due to a variety of reasons. The environment that we live in that is full of chemicals and pollution is just part of the problem. Keeping a diet that is full of preservatives and additives which processed foods and fast foods contain is yet another contributing factor. So, the question that many parents pose is what is there to do about children allergies.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Allergies. A note about Children Allergies - Discussion, Causes, TipsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Right Under Your Nose The next time you think that your child has yet another cold, take a step back. If the symptoms seem to be presenting themselves more often than not or appear to be triggered by some factor, you may want to pay your pediatrician or natural health care practitioner a visit. Not only that, but keeping a journal with your kid's symptoms and activities can be a very helpful first step. Listing in full detail the frequency of symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, and red itchy eyes can be helpful in the diagnosis and the treatment. Add to that any activities, foods, or possible triggers that seem to set the symptoms into overdrive. Doing this legwork in advance of your practitioner visit can help you to zoom in on the possible cause of children allergies, and get your child relief, which is what we all want. There are a wide variety of possible allergens that can affect children and cause children allergy issues. The very common allergens that affect children just as they do adults include pet dander, dust mites, and outdoor factors such as pollen. However, there is also a very sharp increase of food allergies amongst children. Foods such as peanut butter, cows milk, and eggs are becoming regular fixtures in the allergies that plague children. It is recommended that parents introduce solid foods and possible allergens very slowly as children become ready for solid foods, just to be sure that an allergic reaction will not occur - its just that common. There is an increase in children allergy statistics due to genetic predisposition and, more significantly, all of the environmental factors that plague children of today. And kids, who have bodies which are still in the developmental phase, are much more susceptible to such problems. The good news, though, is that many children outgrow their allergies as they get older.
Controlling the Problem As processed and convenience foods have risen in their consumption amongst children, so too have allergies. Couple this with the fact that many environments are full of pollutants such as dust, chemicals from cleaners, and other possible allergens, and we have an epidemic. The very best thing that you can do for your child is to provide them with the foundation to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating the right foods that are natural and from the earth, rather than full of additives and preservatives, can be a great start. Starting off slowly with potential allergens such as eggs and tree nuts is a great idea to ensure no reaction occurs, but do keep in mind that children can often outgrow these things. Managing the symptoms of children allergies to the best of your ability is your job as a parent, but providing them with all the tools necessary to live a clean and healthy life can help with the prevention of allergic reactions and possibly even the cure for their childhood allergies.
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