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What Causes Allergies? - DiscussionHaving allergies can be such a drain on your body, and figuring out what causes allergies can be a constant quest. Physically, you may feel as though you are constantly blowing your nose or sneezing, and mentally, you may find yourself afraid to get anywhere near the known culprits. If a friend has a cat, for example, you may find yourself making excuses for not going to her house due to the reaction you get every time you visit. Its a terrible way to live, and often times, getting to the root cause of the allergy can be helpful and aid in explaining just why this is happening to you. Some people suffer from all sorts of allergies their whole life through, while others never get a sniffle from them a day in their life. So what causes allergies? Why do some people suffer from childhood while others never have to think about allergies whatsoever?
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Allergies. A note about How to Prevent AllergiesIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Who is to Blame? What Causes Allergies? Rather than blaming the culprits or allergens themselves, look further. The root cause of many allergies is actually your very own immune system. Hard to believe, but its true. Your immune system mistakes the known allergens as a serious threat and attacks them - the result is an allergy that can cause you to suffer for years and years. Although it is not a certainty, there is a great likelihood for being pre-disposed to allergies if you have a genetic history of them. If you come from parents who are allergy sufferers, you are at a much higher risk of developing them at some point in your life. Technically speaking, what causes allergies? Allergic reactions themselves are triggered by a chemical within your body called histamine, and though initial or limited exposure to a given allergen may not present any problems, at some point your body will react. Many people develop allergies later on in their life, after years of being exposed to the culprit, and they cannot figure out why. It can take one exposure when you have a weakened immune system, and then out of the blue you are now a known allergy sufferer. This can be frustrating and troublesome for many adults, but the problem may have always been there, and it just took one exposure to bring it about.
Making the Right Choices Consider the immune system to be the gatekeeper of sorts - when its down, anything can happen, and that one exposure can turn into an allergy that you have to battle your whole life through. Add to it any genetic predisposition, and you have found the underlying reasons for what causes allergies and why you may be suffering from them day in and day out. The good news is, although a genetic predisposition can make allergies more likely, there are steps you can take to prevent allergies from ruling your life, and even heal the condition. Environment and diet play a vital role in all health conditions, and this holds true for what causes allergies as well. If you live in an atmosphere full of chemicals and breathe these in day in and day out, there is certainly a likelihood that this will either bring on or amplify allergies within your body. Learning to keep your house clean and to handle such needs with the most natural supplies which are as free of chemicals as possible is a great start. Its also imperative to keep a healthy diet. Consuming foods that are processed, fried, or full of preservatives can contribute to the likelihood of allergies or flare ups. Ensuring that you eat a diet that is not only rich in nutrients but free of preservatives and other additives used in processed foods can help in the prevention and even the cure of allergies.
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