Coconut Oil Nutrition Information

Did you know that coconut oil nutrition can bring significant benefits to your health?

For those out there who are always looking for more nutritious ways to cook their food, the benefits of coconut oil may have reached your ears. Coconut oil, of course, is also delicious when taken straight and raw.

And for people who are taking a healthy dietary and lifestyle approach, finding ways to increase nutritional intake from whole foods instead of supplements is often key, so the diet and the way foods are prepared is of utmost importance.

Nutritional Content of Coconut Oil

The truth about the nutritional value of coconut oil does not make for good reading at first. According to, coconut oil has no protein and amino acids, no carbohydrates, barely any vitamins (very small amounts of vitamin E, vitamin K and choline), virtually no minerals (a very minute quantity of iron), and a lot of fat. In fact, coconut oil is mainly made up of fats, the majority of which is saturated fat; this oil has some omega 6 fatty acids, but no omega 3.

With such a profile of coconut oil nutrition, how can this oil then be a healthy one? After all, isn't common knowledge regarding oil consumption today telling us that saturated fats are bad for health, and that our omega 6 to omega 3 intake ratio is way too high?

Even then, recent evidence suggests that coconut oil is indeed a healthful fat.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Unlike most other oils, coconut oil is rich in medium chain fatty acids (or medium chain triglycerides), which are easier for the body to digest and less likely to be stored as fat in the body than other oils. This means that you get more of the good from this type of oil and less of the bad aspects of consuming oil.

Consider this about coconut oil nutrition: coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is also found in human breast milk. Lauric acid is an antibacterial and antiviral agent. It is thought that the lauric acid in coconut oil can treat everything from the flu virus to yeast infections and problems such as abscesses of the teeth.

Lauric acid in breast milk is part of the reason that breast fed babies are able to fight illnesses such as colds during their first year of life so well, so if you are consuming lauric acid too, could it help you to fight off future illnesses as well?

Another great way that coconut oil nutrition contributes to your overall nutritional intake is that it's been found to possibly be anti carcinogenic. This means that it could work wonders in helping to prevent potential problems such as colon cancer.

You could be using coconut oil nutrition to help lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of cancer and build your immune system, all with only about three tablespoons of this oil daily. That's the equivalent of cooking one meal in coconut oil.

It has also been recently found that the medium chain triglycerides in this oil could actually help to stimulate weight loss. When the body digests these, it uses this type of fat in the way that fats are supposed to be used, for energy, without causing people to overeat the way many carbohydrates can. It is thought that these fats will also stimulate one's metabolism, which can further boost weight loss efforts.

Unlike olive oil, coconut oil doesn't become rancid quickly, so, in obtaining coconut oil nutrition, you won't have to worry about consuming "bad" oil that could potentially make you sick, either.

All these great benefits of coconut oil nutrition don't necessarily mean that you should be just consuming large amounts of it. If you incorporate it with your overall healthy diet and lifestyle, the benefits of this oil far outweigh the risks when used in moderation.

Consider using coconut oil in conjunction with your already healthy diet for added nutrition and heart healthy benefits that you can reap for a long time to come.

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