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Late Stage Lyme Disease - Symptoms, Causes, Health Effects, TipsHere, you can learn about late stage Lyme disease, including its signs and symptoms, what causes it, its health effects, and what you can do to help. Lyme disease is a serious condition, but unfortunately is one that has symptoms that can be difficult to distinguish from other conditions, such as the flu and allergic reactions.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Lyme Disease. A note about Late Stage Lyme Disease - Symptoms, Causes, Health Effects, TipsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. In some individuals, there are no early symptoms at all. This can be problematic, since treatment is not sought and therefore the disease is able to progress into something more serious. The most serious stage of Lyme disease is often referred to as late or chronic Lyme disease. It can develop weeks, months, or even years after the infection has set in, especially if the individual didn't seek treatment upon the initial signs of the infection. Late stage Lyme disease can also develop quickly if there were no early symptoms present, or the individual mistook the early symptoms as symptoms of something else, such as the flu. Individuals with late stage Lyme disease might experience chronic muscle pain, sleep that is not restful, chronic Lyme arthritis, and even nervous system and heart problems. The nervous system problems could include difficult concentrating and memory loss, while the chronic Lyme arthritis can consist of swelling and pain in the joints. Chronic Lyme arthritis usually occurs in the knees, although it can affect all of the joints. Although treatment can improve arthritis, in some cases the joints are too badly damaged to respond to treatment and might not improve greatly. Sometimes, surgery is even necessary to remove the lining of the joint. Luckily, there are some natural health remedies that can be beneficial to treating arthritis so that surgery doesn't have to be an option. When it comes to nervous problems, once the bacterial infection has spread, problems with vision, speech, hearing, and thinking can occur. In addition, severe headaches might also be a problem. Inflammation around the brain and spinal cord can lead to stiff necks and severe headaches that are often difficult to treat. However, sometimes, these symptoms do go away on their own, with natural treatments or without any treatments at all. Oftentimes, in these instances, treating the symptoms themselves is enough to relieve the pain and the pressure. Heart problems can also develop during late stage Lyme disease, although this is rare. The most serious of the heart problems, pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the structures around the heart, usually go away on their own without causing any permanent damage. On the other hand, sometimes, the heart problems are the first symptoms of Lyme disease, especially in people who had no early symptoms of the disease. During late stage Lyme disease, some individuals might also experience partial facial nerve paralysis, fatigue, mood swings, and numbness or tingling in the feet, back, or hands. If Lyme disease continues to go untreated, damage can occur to the brain, nerves, and joints. Late stage Lyme disease can develop weeks, months, or even years after the infection first occurs. Understanding the early symptoms, and knowing what to look out for, is essential. It is especially important to be vigilant in looking for symptoms and noticing any changes in your body after you have been bitten by a tick or other insect. Learn more about this ailment by reading the other related Lyme disease articles and pages on this website.
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Click here to learn about how to overcome Lyme Disease from home, using some simple grocery items. Click here for natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies for Lyme Disease.
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