Menstrual Pain Relief - Natural Treatments and Home Remedies

Are you seeking natural menstrual pain relief?

Menstrual pain can include more than just stomach cramps, but unfortunately, that is what most medications on the market seem to target. Menstrual pain can also include headaches, back pain, pelvic pain, and even pain in the bottom, depending on how your uterus is situated.

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A note about Menstrual Pain Relief - Natural Treatments and Home Remedies

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

For that reason, using natural methods and cures to target all of your menstrual pain can usually be more effective than relying on medication.


Sometimes, prevention is the best policy. The week before your period starts, it helps to cut back on sugar, caffeine, and salt. This can help lessen the severity of your cramps. In addition, taking vitamin B6 (less than 100 mg per day) on a daily basis can also help relieve stomach cramps and bloating.

Heat Therapy

When it comes to stomach cramps and lower back pain, heat can be one of the most effective measures for menstrual pain relief. You can fill a hot water bottle, use an electric heating pad, or use the kind of heating pad that is meant to be put in the microwave for a few minutes. Just remember that all three of these can get hot, so make sure that you aren't placing them directly against your skin. Sometimes, it helps to use a towel as a barrier.

A nice warm bath, complete with lavender bath salts, which help with nausea, can be soothing, too. However, sometimes, the heating pad can be better for menstrual pain relief, since it's not only the heat that can help with the pain, but the pressure as well. You can always take a bath to try to relax and then, once out of the tub, apply the heating pad.


There is conflicting information regarding exercising and lying down. Some say that when your stomach and lower back hurts, it's better to exercise. Others say that lying down can help ease the pain. When it comes to menstrual pain relief, it's probably better to do what works best for you.

If you find that even going for a short walk makes your pain worse, then don't do it. However, if it helps, then it might be something that you want to try. Some women find that lying in a fetal position with their knees brought up to their chests can help lessen the pain.

Herbal Teas and Juices

Instead of caffeine or very sugary drinks, try drinking herbal teas while you are on your period in order to find menstrual pain relief. Raspberry leaf tea and chamomile tea can help with pain, both in your abdomen as well as headache pain. If you want to drink juice, then stick to pineapple juice that contains bromelain, which is an enzyme that can help relax your muscles.

Important Nutrients

There are some nutrients and minerals that might also be helpful in your search for menstrual pain relief, as well. Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in capsule form in most health food stores. You can also find them in mackerel, sardines, anchovies, and salmon.

Magnesium is another mineral that might be beneficial. You can find it in tablet form, or it can be found in nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.


Lastly, acupressure is a time-honored traditional practice that can help with relief from a variety of pains. When it comes to menstrual cramps, find the bony point on the inner ankle. From there, draw a line up the lower calf, about 4 finger widths from the inner ankle. The point is right beside the shin bone towards the back of the calf. Holding pressure there for 2 to 3 minutes is recommended for menstrual pain relief.


To learn more about menstrual period ailments, you may wish to read the other related menstrual articles and pages.

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