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Natural Toothache Remedies - Obtaining Relief at HomeAre you looking for natural toothache remedies? Toothaches can be so painful that they can affect the overall quality of your life. The pain that you suffer from toothaches can make it difficult for you to sleep, eat, drink, and even breathe sometimes, since the cold air can make the pain worse.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Toothache. A note about Natural Toothache Remedies - Obtaining Relief at HomeIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Although most toothaches are a sign of a serious problem with your teeth and should be taken up with your dentist, there are some natural remedies that can help alleviate the pain in the meantime. Here are just a few natural toothache remedies that you might find helpful. Ice can help a lot of painful situations and toothaches are no exception. Even though the thought of something cold touching your tooth might not sound pleasant, it can help even when it's not used on the tooth itself. Try rubbing an ice cube around the area between your thumb and forefinger for a few minutes. It will help numb the nerves that travel up to your teeth, believe it or not. Wheatgrass is another natural product that can help as toothache remedies. Using wheatgrass juice as a mouthwash can be beneficial in providing relief from the pain that toothaches cause. It can also help control bacterial growth, too. In addition, applying clove oil directly on the painful tooth using a cotton ball can help relieve the pain. You only need to dab a little bit on at a time in order to get the best results. Garlic has a variety of purposes in the natural health world, and these uses include the area of herbal toothache remedies - garlic can be used to treat toothache pain, too. Place a little bit of rock salt on a clove of garlic and then place the clove right onto the painful tooth. You can also try chewing the clove of garlic, but if your tooth is too painful, this might not be your best bet. Need more ideas for toothache remedies? Many people use Vick's vapor rub when they have colds and congestion. The heat in the vapor rub can also help draw out the pain in a toothache, too. Simply rub a very small amount of the substance on the outside of the cheek where the pain is located. Cover it with a paper towel and lay down. The heat from the vapor rub should slowly sink inside the cheek and affect the pain. However, it is important to wash the vapor rub off afterwards and to avoid getting it anywhere near your eyes. If you don't want to try Vick's, then placing a warm tea bag against your cheek will also help bring relief. It doesn't really even matter what kind of tea you use, since it's the heat itself that brings the comfort. You don't want to use a tea bag that is too hot, of course, or else you risk burning your cheek. As part of using natural toothache remedies, it is important to prevent tooth decay in the first place. Eating a healthy diet and taking proper care of your teeth will help ensure that toothache pain doesn't happen in the first place. It is also important to brush your teeth at least twice a day and to floss them on a daily basis. Using a herbal mouthwash that you either make yourself or purchase from the store can continue to help you kill harmful bacteria in your mouth. Don't ever ignore pain associated with your teeth. Although the above toothache remedies can help offer pain relief without you having to buy products from the store, you should still see your dentist to ensure that there isn't something wrong with your tooth. If your tooth is decayed and it isn't taken care of properly, then it might have to be extracted.
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