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Natural Treatment for Vaginitis - Tips and Home Remedies for ReliefWhat is effective natural treatment for vaginitis? Here are some tips as you seek a cure for this condition. Vaginitis is a common term for a group of disorders causing infection, and often inflammation, of the vagina. These disorders are caused by organisms (bacteria, fungus, yeast or viruses), allergens or chemical irritants from feminine hygiene products (cream, sprays), some clothing (tight fitting or able to retain moisture and / or heat), or organisms passed by sexual intercourse.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Vaginitis. A note about Natural Treatment for Vaginitis - Tips and Home Remedies for ReliefIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Vaginitis can also develop due to using antibiotics or steroids, diabetes that is not being properly cared for, a weakened immune system, or excessive alcohol use. The six most common types of vaginitis are yeast, bacteria, Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, viral, and noninfectious, all with their own causes and symptoms. Although all the symptoms are similar, including such things as itching and redness, some involve swelling, burning and / or discharge. Trichomoniasis is a parasite and at least three of them are sexually transmitted, while Chlamydia often has no symptoms at all. Symptoms can be present inside the vagina or on the outside. Sometimes, there is discomfort while urinating or during sexual intercourse. The best medicine against vaginitis, better than any treatment for vaginitis, is preventative. Follow some simple rules and you should have few problems. Above all, keep the vaginal area clean, being especially careful after sex and the menstrual cycle. Keep the area dry and protected with cotton underwear, because they will help by absorbing moisture. Always wipe from front to back after you have had a bowel movement, and do not use strong products for hygienic purposes - this includes deodorized tampons. Do not leave tampons in vagina for long periods of time - this goes for diaphragms as well. Regular use of tampons should probably be avoided if at all possible; they have a drying effect on the mucosal lining of the vagina, as well as being an irritant. As for a diet that will ensure the body of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it will need for health, eat raw or lightly steamed vegetables twice everyday, as well as a mixed lettuce salad as a main meal once a day and as a side once a day. Eat light proteins such as salmon and poultry, but outside of acidophilus milk and yogurt, avoid all other dairy products. Indeed, a good and nutritious diet forms an important part of any natural treatment for vaginitis. Although douching is not generally recommended as it also rids the body of friendly bacteria as well as the bad, sometimes, a self-care technique is in order. Include vinegar in douches - 1 teaspoon per every gallon of water; this could be a useful treatment for vaginitis. It is definitely recommended that sexual intercourse should be avoided during any healing process. Vitamin E has been recommended in treatment for vaginitis, and can be taken orally (capsules), used topically in oil form (to soothe mucous membranes), or vaginally as a suppository. Vaginal administration of vitamin A has also been recommended to help vaginal tissue integrity as well as for the enhancement of the immune system. Topically applied tea tree oil has been used for Trichomonas (parasitic), candida (yeast), and other vaginal infections. In addition, teas of the goldenseal and Echinacea plants can be used to treat vaginitis, as both plants are known to be antibacterial. Echinacea is also used to improve immune function. Still need ideas for vaginitis relief? For more tips and home remedies in natural treatment for vaginitis, you may wish to read the other related vaginitis articles and pages on this website.
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Click here to learn about a natural solution for vaginal discharge and odor. Click here for natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies for vaginal itching, or click here for natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies for vaginal dryness.
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Some Related Vaginitis Pages What is Vaginitis - Overview and Types of Vaginitis Natural Treatment for Vaginitis - Tips and Home Remedies for Relief Bacterial Vaginitis Treatment - Medical Care and Self Help Tips
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