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Get Rid of Hives Using These Simple Tips and RemediesWant to learn how to get rid of hives naturally? Seeking a simple cure for this condition? Getting rid of hives can be complicated and frustrating. Oftentimes, it is difficult to know what caused them to appear in the first place, and until you can eliminate that source, the chances of the hives returning are good.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Hives. A note about Get Rid of Hives Using These Simple Tips and RemediesIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Although there are natural remedies that can help stop the itching and the welts from forming and causing irritation, to actually get rid of this condition, the source of the hives must be determined. As you begin to embark on your quest to get rid of hives, you can start by determining which area of your body broke out in hives first. If you are only breaking out in hives on your chest and back, for instance, then it could be that you have recently purchased a new shirt and that you are allergic to the dyes in that shirt. On the other hand, if you are breaking out in hives on your legs and you recently bathed in new bubble bath or used new shower gel on your legs, then one of those could be the culprit. Sometimes, it is a food allergy that causes the hives to form. Try to remember if you have eaten anything new or different in the past few days. If not, then you might have to start with a liquid diet consisting of clear broths and gradually add different foods to your menu until you can figure out what is causing you to break out. Of course, once you figure out what is causing the hives, then you can get rid of that product, or stop eating it, and eliminate and get rid of hives in the process. If hives are caused by stress, then finding ways to ease your anxiety can help you get rid of hives. You will probably know whether or not stress is causing your hives, because you will more than likely experience breakouts right before a stressful event, such as a public speaking engagement. Hives from stress tend to come and go infrequently and do not always last as long as hives that are caused by allergic reactions. Until you can figure out what is causing the hives, using essential oils such as sandalwood, lavender, and chamomile on the hives can help reduce them and stop the itching. You can also apply aloe vera to them, which is soothing. Quercetin is a natural antihistamine and is found in green vegetables, onions, and apples. Eating these foods might help relieve hives. You can also try grinding the foods up and applying the liquids to the hives and letting it dry in order to find relief from the itching. Red alder bark can be brewed into a tea and then applied topically to the hives, too, to help get rid of hives. As an alternative, it can be consumed. However, the red alder bark contains tannin, which is a natural astringent, and might be more effective if it is applied directly to the welts. Applying cold compresses, or taking a cool bath, might also help get rid of hives. The cool water will help shrink the blood vessels, and this can keep them from swelling. When they are unable to swell, fewer histamines are released. On the other hand, bathing in warm water can actually make the hives worse, or at least itch more. If you find that you have hives in or near your throat and it is making it difficult for you to breathe, then you should seek immediate medical attention. Sometimes, a severe food allergy, such as an allergy to nuts, can cause your throat to swell. This is a life threatening condition and should be taken very seriously. The throat can swell up in a matter of minutes if this occurs, and this can make breathing nearly impossible. For more treatments and remedies to help you get rid of hives, read the other related hives articles and pages on this website.
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Some Related Hives Pages What Causes Hives - Possible Triggers Natural Hives Treatment - Avoiding Triggers Natural Remedy for Hives - Herbal Cures, Home Remedies and Other Treatments What Do Hives Look Like - Some Signs and Symptoms How to Treat Hives Naturally - Treatments and Remedies for Relief Hives Stress Connection - Discussion and Remedies Natural Cure for Hives - Home Remedies and Treatments Get Rid of Hives Using These Simple Tips and Remedies
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