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What Causes Hives - Possible TriggersAre you wondering what causes hives? Hives can be disruptive and uncomfortable, but many people are unaware of what the causes of hives are in the first place. Although allergens are usually the culprit, there are a variety of other things that can also lead to hives, too.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Hives. A note about What Causes Hives - Possible TriggersIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Hives can appear anywhere on your body and even cover your body. They might be small lesions or large welts with raised edges. They might appear suddenly and only last a couple of hours, or they might appear overnight and last for weeks. During the time that they are present, they generally cause discomfort, itchiness, and sometimes pain. A viral infection is the most common factor of what causes hives when it comes to acute hives in children. Infections such as urinary tract infections, strep throat, and athlete's foot can all be accompanied by acute hives. Stress is another common cause of chronic and acute hives. This can be attributed to both positive and negative forms of stress. Ironically, your body might show these signs of stress, even if you, yourself, don't feel that particularly stressed to begin with. Of course, allergic reactions can also be contributors of what cause hives, especially acute hives, or hives that occur suddenly. Products that might cause allergic reactions include certain foods, medications, and cosmetic products. If it is a food allergy, the hives will usually appear within minutes. However, with a medical allergy, the hives might be slower to appear and might not appear until you have been taking the medication or a couple of weeks. Pet allergies are another common cause of hives that are a result of allergic reactions. Chronic hives can be caused by infections and diseases such as sinus infections and viral hepatitis. There is also a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, which is associated with stomach ulcers, that can be connected to chronic hives. Liver disease, kidney disease, and thyroid problems can lead to chronic hives, as well. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, the reason for what causes hives is unknown. When this happens, the symptoms can be treated, but the hives themselves cannot be "cured", so to speak. However, they will almost certainly go away, even if they appear serious looking and come on suddenly without any notice. Most of the time, regardless of what causes hives, the symptoms of hives can be treated in a natural way at home without having to go to the doctor for a prescription. Using natural pain relievers such as aloe vera cream, nettle tea, as well as oatmeal and baking soda baths can provide relief to the uncomfortable symptoms that hives bring. Keeping the temperature mild and trying not to overheat when you have a breakout is also important, as the heat can make the itching worse. In general, hives are not dangerous or life threatening, despite the fact that they can look scary and menacing. However, in some rare cases, they can bring about shock and swelling of the throat and nasal membranes. This is not a typical symptom of hives, but should this occur, then medical attention should be sought immediately. Having read about what causes hives, you could learn more about this ailment by reading the other related hives articles and pages on this website.
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Some Related Hives Pages What Causes Hives - Possible Triggers Natural Hives Treatment - Avoiding Triggers Natural Remedy for Hives - Herbal Cures, Home Remedies and Other Treatments What Do Hives Look Like - Some Signs and Symptoms How to Treat Hives Naturally - Treatments and Remedies for Relief Hives Stress Connection - Discussion and Remedies Natural Cure for Hives - Home Remedies and Treatments Get Rid of Hives Using These Simple Tips and Remedies
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