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Preparation H Wrinkles Treatment - An Interesting Home RemedyIs there such a thing as Preparation H wrinkles treatment, and how does it work? Wrinkles develop naturally on the skin all over the body as time goes by, meaning everyone is bound to get them. Wrinkles form as the skin's underlying structure between the epidermis and the dermis break down with age.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Wrinkles. A note about Preparation H Wrinkles Treatment - An Interesting Home RemedyIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Environmental factors - sun and other harsh weather exposure, and / or personal habits - smoking or poor dietary practices, hasten the process, contributing to their formation. Through magazines and television ads, we have all been educated on our wrinkles and how to make both our fine surface lines or wrinkles less noticeable. According to consumer ratings, one of the best products found to work after washing your face in the morning and evening was the use of a good moisturizer with a hemorrhoid product called Preparation H dabbed on over it at wrinkle areas (do not pull skin in doing so). So how does the Preparation H wrinkles connection come about? This worked because the active ingredients in Preparation H were live yeast cell derivative (originally live yeast culture developments) or LYCD and shark liver oil (strong antioxidant powers used in cancer treatments) - they have proven properties that not only shrank tissue but were safe for use in sensitive areas. Live yeast cell derivative is known to aid in healing and is also used in a number of other ways -treating burns, post operation incisions, and for chapping or dry skin. For years, people have sworn by the cream to treat face, neck and eye wrinkles, applying it as part of their daily skin and facial care routine. After it set a few minutes, make-up can be applied. Does this Preparation H wrinkles beneficial link still exist? Some years ago, the FDA adjusted the use (banned it) of the ingredients in the US, so that the product no longer contains the live yeast cell derivative but instead uses an approved astringent formula containing phenylephrine - also a blood vessel constrictor. Many people, however, still claim that using Preparation H does indeed aid in the fight against aging and/or as a wrinkle treatment. Many wonder if the other ingredients (corn oil, mineral oil, thyme oil, petrolatum and lanolin) may be contributing factors in Preparation H wrinkles treatment benefits, as all are emollients which, along with products like cocoa butter and coconut oil, have long been used as ingredients in make-up and facial creams. While Preparation H was never actually tested to be effective for use as a make-up, models and makeup artists alike swore by it for its ability to reduce eye puffiness and to tighten the skin around the eyes. It should be emphasized here that not all hemorrhoid creams are the same, and thus may not contain Preparation H wrinkles treatment properties. Be sure to use caution about trying them on the face or near the eyes. Many of these products contain steroids, which can make the skin look worse in the long run because they thin the skin and emphasize imperfection as well as dark circles. If you wish to use the original product which is still being made, you will have to go to or buy it from Canada. Canadian Preparation H cream still contains Bio-Dyne (live yeast cell derivative) and shark liver oil, and many pharmacists around the border between the two countries carry it just for US users. Having read about the Preparation H wrinkles link, you could learn more about removing wrinkles by reading the other related articles on this website.
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