Treatments for Osteoporosis - Alternative and Natural Relief

Are you seeking alternative or natural treatments for osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis, loosely translated as 'porous bones', means that bones have lost their density and strength. Osteoporosis signifies that bones have become very brittle and prone to fractures. This is a disease that strikes more women than men and usually after age 60.

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A note about Treatments for Osteoporosis - Alternative and Natural Relief

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

Other risk factors, aside from being female and over 60, are:

  • European or Asian descent.
  • Family history - if someone in your family has been diagnosed with osteoporosis, then that will increase your risk.
  • Body type - those with smaller body types are more susceptible to osteoporosis.

Types of Osteoporosis

There are four types of osteoporosis: primary, secondary, osteogenesis imperfecta, and idiopathic juvenile. Primary osteoporosis is the most common; as discussed above, it comes with age. Secondary osteoporosis is caused by other, primary, medical conditions. These conditions include leukemia, hyperthyroidism, or hyperparathyroidism. It can also be caused by certain medications and can occur at any age.

Osteogenesis imperfecta is a type of osteoporosis that one is born with. This is an extremely rare disease that causes bones to break for no apparent reason. The final type of osteoporosis is idiopathic juvenile. This type affects children during times of rapid growth, between the ages of 8 and 14. There is no known cause of this type of osteoporosis.

Natural Osteoporosis Treatment

Treatments for osteoporosis, namely treatments for the prevention of bone loss and the reduction of bone fractures, come in many different forms. Physicians may prescribe medication. As you know, all medications come with a variety of side effects. Natural treatments for osteoporosis are usually the best option. Any treatment you choose should ideally be discussed with your personal health care professional.

In using alternative or natural treatments for osteoporosis, dietary changes is the place to start. Add more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Include foods that have naturally occurring calcium and vitamin D.

Vitamin K is another vital player in bone health. Usually, a person can get enough vitamin K through foods. High vitamin K foods are spinach, broccoli, and cabbage. Also, yogurt that contains active bacterial cultures and probiotics is a good source of vitamin K.

Another vital tip in using natural treatments for osteoporosis is to reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption. If at all possible, eliminate sodas from your diet. Drinking sodas has been directly linked to low mineral density in women.

Some herbal treatments and remedies can also help to promote healthier bones and reduce bone loss. These include the often overlooked black pepper. Black pepper contains four compounds that promote bone density. Garlic and onions can also be beneficial to bone and joint health, mainly because of their sulfur content.

While using natural and alternative treatments for osteoporosis, one way to ensure that you are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals is to take a natural, whole food, multi-vitamin supplement daily. Find a supplement that includes calcium, magnesium, and zinc for the best benefit. The presence of vitamin D is very useful, too.

Therapies as Treatments for Osteoporosis

There are several forms of complementary and alternative therapies that can be very helpful in preventing or even healing osteoporosis. With a little research and depending on what is available in your area, you could find the therapy that best suits your needs as alternative or natural treatments for osteoporosis.

Tai Chi

Because weight bearing exercises are recommended for osteoporosis sufferers by many experts, tai chi may be the perfect choice. Tai chi offers weight bearing exercise without strain. Tai chi consists of a series of movements; slow, gentle and purposeful. The movements are very easy to learn.

Though Tai chi emphasizes technique rather than strength, regular practice will increase muscle strength and promote balance and agility. Balance can be an important factor in preventing falls and subsequently fractures due to osteoporosis. As an added bonus, tai chi can reduce stress and help you relax.

Proponents of tai chi as treatments for osteoporosis and other types of arthritis believe that, depending on how severe your osteoporosis is, you may see improvement in your bone health within a month. More severe cases can take up to a year.

Even Western medicine has conceded that there are benefits to those who regularly practice Tai chi. These benefits include:

  • Increase in muscle strength.
  • Increase in range of motion in joints.
  • Increase in bone density.
  • Better balance.
  • Reduced stress levels, enhanced mood.
  • Increase in oxygen uptake.


Reiki is another form of complementary and alternative medicine therapy which can be used as treatments for osteoporosis. This type of treatment is the most spiritually centered of all the alternative medicine types. Though spiritually centered, it is not a religion in itself. Anyone of any religious background, gender, or race can benefit from the Reiki method of healing.

It is believed that universal life energy flows either from the hands of the Reiki Master or is drawn from the patient to promote self healing in affected areas. Reiki is a very calm, no touch, non-invasive form of healing that is very beneficial to bone health.


Ayurveda is said to be the oldest of all the healing methods. It comes to us from India and dates back thousands of years. Ayurveda is not only a healing method, it is a way of life. The word Ayurveda means, 'science of life'. Should you chose Ayurveda as your method of treatments for osteoporosis, be prepared to make significant changes in your life.

The first approach that Ayurveda takes to promoting overall health is designing a diet consistent with an individual's dominant dosha, or body type. There are three doshas in Ayurveda, and each person is made up of a combination of all doshas; however, one is dominant. Certain foods and spices are used in the diet to keep your dominant dosha at an optimal level of health.

Exercise, usually in the form of yoga, and meditation are also a substantial part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle. Ayurveda does not necessarily target one specific disease or ailment. It does focus on the whole person in an effort to produce total health and wellbeing in each individual.

Conclusion - Natural Treatments for Osteoporosis

It is never too early to begin steps to prevent bone loss, especially if you are at risk for osteoporosis. Keep in mind that vitamins and minerals can keep bones healthy. Weight bearing exercises for strength and balance is essential to overall health. Cutting sodas completely out of your diet and keeping alcohol and caffeine at a minimum will also prevent bone loss.

And if you need additional help and support, the abovementioned alternative treatments for osteoporosis would also assist in providing relief to your condition.

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