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The Varicose Veins Pregnancy Connection - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, TreatmentsWhat is the varicose veins pregnancy connection? Everyone knows that pregnancy has its side effects, but chances are that many people didn't know that varicose veins can pop up during pregnancy as well.
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or Read Others' Contributions Click here for more pages and articles on Varicose Veins. A note about The Varicose Veins Pregnancy Connection - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, TreatmentsIn natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases. In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies. Many people think that this type of unsightly, dark, bulging vein which is found in the legs, ankles and groin belongs exclusively to the older population, but this problem can actually pop up no matter how old you are.
Causes and Symptoms Knowing the causes of varicose veins can help you to better deal with them should you wind up with them, but knowing how to prevent them can reduce your chances of getting varicose veins during pregnancy as well. Often, a woman who finds she is suffering from this problem has a family history of varicose veins. When this is added to the additional progesterone that the body is creating during pregnancy, in addition to the pressure of the fetus on arteries in the groin area, the chances of suffering from this condition can increase greatly - these points help explain the varicose veins pregnancy link. Progesterone causes the blood vessels to relax, and when this happens, the veins don't meet up properly, which causes a back flow of blood because the veins aren't able to properly block it from happening. Additionally, the pressure the fetus places on the arteries of the pelvis increases the pressure on the leg veins, and this can cause varicose veins. What is the varicose veins pregnancy connection characterized by? The symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy can vary, and sometimes there will be no symptoms at all. However, as the fetus becomes larger and you are carrying more weight, it is likely that you'll find your legs becoming achy, tired and heavy. This is especially true toward evening or if you've been on your feet for much of the day. You may also notice an itching or burning of the skin at the site of the vein, and you may feel some throbbing and cramping as well.
Prevention Tips and Treatment How can one deal with the varicose veins pregnancy issue? The good news is that for most women, varicose veins will disappear after they have given birth. In other words, the varicose veins pregnancy connection resolves on its own. The reduced pressure and body weight goes a long way toward helping the body to heal itself and help the veins get back to normal. In the meantime, there are some things you can do which will help you to reduce your chances of getting hit by the varicose veins pregnancy problem, and treating the signs and symptoms if you have them. By getting daily exercise, you can keep your circulation strong. Consider going for a brisk walk to get your heart pumping. At the same time, you should be working to not gain too much weight. Excess weight will not only be difficult for you to take off when the baby is born, but it can be really bad for your overall health, plus the additional weight can make varicose veins worse, too. To reduce your chances of being affected by the varicose veins pregnancy issue, you should also avoid crossing your legs or ankles when you're sitting, and wear support hose if you begin noticing your varicose veins are becoming very bad. The use of support hose can seem frustrating, but it will reduce swelling in the legs and help to eliminate the discomfort you might be feeling. Also, consider sleeping on your left side, with your belly propped by a pillow and placing a pillow between your knees. It is thought that varicose veins are often caused by the additional pressure the uterus puts on the vena cava, which is on your right side, so you will be able to stimulate circulation and prevent your varicose veins from becoming worse by sleeping on your left side. Remember that in most cases, the varicose veins pregnancy problem is a temporary thing. You can work to relieve them if you have them, and reduce your chances of getting them if you don't, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout your pregnancy. To learn more about this condition, read the other related varicose veins articles and pages on this website.
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