Menopause Joint Pain - Causes, Natural Remedies, Herbs

This page discusses menopause joint pain suffered by some women.

Many women notice hip, shoulder and back discomfort, or joint pain (also called arthralgia), for the first time during perimenopause. Their normally flexible joints become stiff and painful.

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A note about Menopause Joint Pain - Causes, Natural Remedies, Herbs

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

Painful joint conditions can often be traced to an imbalance in hormones, as hormones play an important role in joint health. Specifically, most researchers believe that a decrease in estrogen can lead to an increase in inflammation, which exacerbates joint plain. In order to overcome these problem areas, range of motion must be maintained through gentle stretching exercises like yoga or pilates.

In addition, the spinal nerves must be well-aligned. Certain supplements can assist in maintaining optimum joint health, such as glucosamine sulfate, turmeric, omega 3 fatty acids, and proanthocyanadins. These supplements could thus help with menopause joint pain.

The overuse of pain medications like Advil and Motrin can actually destroy cartilage over time, and in the long term do more harm that the temporary good done by eliminating the pain. If an exercise routine has not been implemented, muscles and joints become weaker with time, leading to an increased risk of injuries and other painful conditions, including menopause joint pain.

A lifelong habit of poor posture (which exercises like yoga and pilates can remedy) will also result in joint pain, as the body must work much harder than necessary to perform basic movements.

Conditions like osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease of the joint cartilage, increase in prevalence in mid-life. The condition causes pain, limited movement, and bone spurs. Approximately 25 percent of peri menopausal and post menopausal women have the condition.

The types of joints in the human body include ball and socket, condyloid, gliding joints, hinge, pivot and saddle joints. As joint pain can be so common in middle aged women, menopause joint pain may also be referred to as “menopausal arthritis.”

Typical symptoms of joint pain include swelling, warmth, and generalized stiffness. The joints most affected include hands, knees, feet, hips, and spine, the joints most frequently used in day to day activities and major points of impact susceptible to increased wear and tear.

With pain, the risks for depression, agitation and even less physical activity increase, so the disease brings with it a vicious cycle, because gentle stretching exercises help soothe joints and restore mobility. Certain herbal treatments also help relieve achy muscles and joints, including menopause joint pain.

Treatments for joint pain should begin with exploration of the least invasive or obtrusive (the most natural), so that the likelihood of side effects may be decreased. Lifestyle changes can include gentle exercise routines, especially yoga and pilates. Some muscle strengthening exercises can also reduce joint pain, but these should be exercised with caution.

Several alternative medicine therapies have proven very successful, including certain herbal remedies, acupuncture and massage. Natural supplements that not only reduce joint pain but also re-balance hormonal levels will be ideal.

In addition to menopausal herbs like chasteberry, blue and black cohosh, and raspberry, herbs like boswellia, ginger, juniper and turmeric have been shown to be effective in treating arthritis, and so should relive the painful symptoms of menopause joint pain. The Doctor’s Book of Herbal Home Remedies recommends an essential oil arthristic rub for localized pain that consists of 20 drops of lemon essential oil and 20 drops of sandalwood oil mixed with a small jar of petroleum jelly.

Here are some other herbs and herbal remedies which could help with menopause joint pain.

  • Boswellia - An Ayurvedic Indian herb, this extract for the frankinscense tree has no undesirable side effects and acts quickly on joint pain. The boswellic acids, a key active ingredient, interrupt the inflammatory reaction and prevent the formation of biochemicals which trigger the pain reaction.

  • Turmeric - This spice relieves chronic pain and inflammation with a powerful acting agent called curcumin.

  • Ginger - Ginger not only acts on arthritis-like symptoms, but will soothe the stomach, unlike so many joint pain relievers on the market. Use fresh organically grown rhizomes whenever possible.

  • Cayenne - A hot pepper cream will work to soothe painful joints with the natural painkiller stimulating ingredient capsaicin. This compound actually triggers the body to release its own stores of pain-relieving agents.

  • Juniper - You can use the diluted essential oil in sore joints three or four times a day.

  • Guaiacum - Many herbalists prescribe guaiacum for treatment of swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The herb stimulates blood flow to affected areas and flushes away dead and damaged cells caused by inflammation.

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