Understanding Hormones and Hair Loss

The link between hormones and hair loss is one that can affect men and women alike.

Often, people are quick to think that hair loss is an issue having to do with the hair and scalp, when it’s actually not cosmetic but rather something far more complicated than that needing to be treated from the inside as opposed to on the scalp directly.

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A note about Understanding Hormones and Hair Loss

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

You may wonder what hair loss and hormones have in common, but, in reality, the answer would be everything, because hormones in fact control hair patterns on the head and body in men and women.

The link between hormones and hair loss is very real. When your hormones are out of whack, the hair is often the first area that suffers, indicating that there is a problem. Sadly, too few people realize that hair loss is often a sign of an imbalance or deficiency that needs to be treated, because most assume the problem is entirely superficial and not so much internal.

While men can suffer from hormonal imbalances too, it is women who most often see the results of hormonal changes in their hair and, to be honest, hair loss and baldness in women is far less accepted than in men, which can result in a lack of self esteem and serious mental distress.

Women also happen to be the ones most at risk for a problem with hormones and hair loss because of things like pregnancy, menopause, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy and more.

All of these things affect hormone levels, directly impacting the hormones and hair loss connection. And they not only lead to issues with hair loss in women, but also hair growth in terms of unwanted body hair; this happens because of an imbalance between the estrogen and what we know as ‘the male hormone’ - testosterone. In truth, women have both hormones in their body, and the slightest upset in the balance can cause a woman to experience much of the physical characteristics of men, such as thinning hair (male pattern baldness) and excess facial and body hair.

Confirming a hormonal imbalance can be done with the help of your health care provider though some simple tests. Getting your hormones under control is the next step and, luckily, there are natural alternatives available to those who are not looking to go on a myriad of chemical hormones in the hope of striking the right balance.

For instance, evening primrose oil is used with much success in treating the symptoms and issues brought on by hormonal changes, changes which are caused by menopause and other conditions that lead to a loss of estrogen.

Another option for treating a hormonal imbalance is with the use of a non-estrogenic herb like Macafem (lipidiem). As the name suggests, these herbs do not have any estrogen in them, but rather work with your body to stimulate the production of estrogen. Ginseng has also been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to treat hormones and hair loss issues.

Some other factors that have proven to contribute to hair loss in women and men include poor diet, stress, and traumatic experiences. A good look at your lifestyle can help you to pinpoint some changes that need to be made in order to save your hair and your health.

For some, treating hair loss is just a matter of some simple tweaking, but don’t just assume this until you’ve confirmed whether or not your issue is a connection between hormones and hair loss that needs treatment.

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